Growth Tactic #69: Use Your Blog to Target Niche Groups

April 12, 2017
You’re not a generic business owner are you? So why would you want to be the owner of a cookie cutter blog? It’s no secret that trying to get your blog to stand out amongst competitors’ is challenging - but there are tools and tactics for that (like the one you’re reading now, you lucky duck!). In this most recent post, Growth Tactic #69 in your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan, you’ll learn how to Use Your Blog to Target Niche

Growth Tactic #68: Be Your Brand at Network Events

April 11, 2017
You can’t hide behind that screen forever. Well, technically you could–but where’s the fun in that? Break out, break free, and Be Your Brand at Network Events. Learn how and why you should employ branding and networking to represent your business in the flesh from time-to-time, in Growth Tactic #68 from your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan. OVERVIEW-- Be Your Brand at Network Events Has it been a while since you last engaged in a firm handshake, read body language signs, responded

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Growth Tactic #66: Gain Loyalty with a Personal Touch–Say Thanks

April 7, 2017
You know that little bubble of excitement you feel when you discover non-bill-related correspondence in the mailbox? It’s time to pay it forward. Show your customers that you’re willing to go the extra mile, by sending a little something across the miles. Lucky for you, Growth Tactic #66, Gain Loyalty with a Personal Touch–Say Thanks, breaks down the old school “thank-you marketing” method for you. The newest installment of your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan awaits! OVERVIEW: Gain Loyalty with a Personal Touch--Say

Growth Tactic #64: The Exclusive Beta Test

April 5, 2017
Are you ready for the ultimate FOMO tactic? Make people feel like their worlds will crumble if they miss a chance to become part of the exclusive beta test you’ve engineered. Launch a new product, service, or even an entire business in such a way that anyone who’s anyone will crave to be first in line. Find out about this powerful way to build buzz and more in today’s newest Growth Tactic for your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan. It’s #64,

Growth Tactic #62: Brand Your Swag & Build Loyalty

April 3, 2017
Why would someone turn down a free item? She wouldn’t…because it’s FREE. In Growth Tactic #62 you’ll learn how to brand your swag & build loyalty. This 100-Day Digital Growth Plan tool will teach you what’s hot and what’s not - when it comes to the type of swag and promo items you should be giving away. OVERVIEW–Brand Your Swag & Build Loyalty I scream, you scream, we all scream YES for free stuff. Every once in a while a

Growth Tactic #60: How to Create Urgency–Use Instagram Stories

March 30, 2017
You’re probably already using Instagram as part of your social media strategy – but are you taking advantage of one of their newest features, “Stories?" If you’re familiar with SnapChat then you’re already one step ahead. Or maybe everything you just read has your head spinning…in either case, it’s time to read on to learn How to Create Urgency--Use Instagram Stories. Growth Tactic #60 in your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan will have you sharing stories to help build brand awareness



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