Growth Tactic #64: The Exclusive Beta Test

April 5, 2017
Are you ready for the ultimate FOMO tactic? Make people feel like their worlds will crumble if they miss a chance to become part of the exclusive beta test you’ve engineered. Launch a new product, service, or even an entire business in such a way that anyone who’s anyone will crave to be first in line. Find out about this powerful way to build buzz and more in today’s newest Growth Tactic for your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan. It’s #64,

Growth Tactic #62: Brand Your Swag & Build Loyalty

April 3, 2017
Why would someone turn down a free item? She wouldn’t…because it’s FREE. In Growth Tactic #62 you’ll learn how to brand your swag & build loyalty. This 100-Day Digital Growth Plan tool will teach you what’s hot and what’s not - when it comes to the type of swag and promo items you should be giving away. OVERVIEW–Brand Your Swag & Build Loyalty I scream, you scream, we all scream YES for free stuff. Every once in a while a

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Growth Tactic #60: How to Create Urgency–Use Instagram Stories

March 30, 2017
You’re probably already using Instagram as part of your social media strategy – but are you taking advantage of one of their newest features, “Stories?" If you’re familiar with SnapChat then you’re already one step ahead. Or maybe everything you just read has your head spinning…in either case, it’s time to read on to learn How to Create Urgency--Use Instagram Stories. Growth Tactic #60 in your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan will have you sharing stories to help build brand awareness

3 Top Types of User Intent & How They Impact Marketing

March 27, 2017
What is that guy who types the word “coffee” into his search textbox looking for exactly? Taken out of context, there is no way to know what this person wants--his user intent. He could be searching for the nearest coffee shop, for example, or maybe he wants directions on how to make a cup of coffee. Perhaps he’s searching for an address located on Coffee St. In the early days of search engines, it was common for a user to

Growth Tactic #57: FOMO–When Fear Works

March 27, 2017
Do you know the code? The hidden meaning behind FOMO? Afraid you’ll miss out (wink, wink)? It’s really no secret, in fact, FOMO refers to the very common human reaction known as Fear of Missing Out. Learn how to build urgency when you use FOMO to grow your business, in Growth Tactic #57 FOMO—When Fear Works. Don’t you miss out on this latest update in your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan. OVERVIEW: FOMO–When Fear Works FOMO (fear of missing out)--it’s that

Growth Tactic #54: Before You Leave–When Popups Work

March 22, 2017
Sometimes people just need a reason – a reason to stay, a reason to go, a reason to keep hanging out on your site. So…give ‘em one! With Growth Tactic #54 Before You Leave – When Popups Work, you’ll learn how to keep visitors from waving goodbye with strategic, clever exit popups. Find out more in today’s newest tactic for your 100-Day Digital Growth Plan. OVERVIEW: Before You Leave--When Popups Work “No don’t go!” That may be what you’re thinking



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