7 Keys to Digital Marketing in 2018

December 21, 2017
The New Year is coming up fast, and that means everyone’s favorite… New Year’s resolutions! What are your digital marketing and SEO resolutions? Do you know that 2018 is going to bring radical changes in the way Google ranks searches? The strategies that once catapulted your websites to ranking success may not work as well next year; they may even become totally obsolete! If you aren’t sure about 2018 Internet Marketing trends, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. By the

5 Ways to Show Customer Appreciation

December 13, 2017
Thoughtful "thank you" gifts are an effective tool to express your gratitude for your customers’ loyalty. Just remember, recognition is the main goal. Make sure your attempts to express customer appreciation don’t come across as self-serving—a means to boost business. Instead, make it all about them! Be Authentic. Giving for the mere purpose of getting can be as obvious as an overdone sales pitch. And it can actually harm your business. Your genuine expression of gratitude should excite your customer

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12 PPC Marketing Hacks for Better ROI

December 7, 2017
You set up a Google AdWords account. You create mind-blowing copy. You roll out your campaign and wait for the sales to roll in. And you wait. And you wait. And you wait. Did you just burn money? Are all PPC campaigns as unpredictable as video poker? We need to drive leads, and we need to close sales. More often than not Google AdWords is the first place we turn to fill our pipeline. And for good reason. AdWords can

5 Keys to Effective Digital Healthcare Marketing

November 27, 2017
Looking to take your healthcare business to the next level? In today’s market, a company can’t survive without a strong digital marketing plan. Do you know… The recent changes in digital healthcare marketing? The challenges that those changes pose to healthcare businesses? How to take your healthcare marketing to the next level? If you didn’t answer an emphatic yes to any of those questions, keep reading. The Healthcare Industry Is Expanding According to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services

3 Ways to Say ‘Thanks’ This Thanksgiving

November 21, 2017
So, it’s Thanksgiving in a couple of days. Did you remember to thank the loyal customers who’ve been in your corner since day one? What about the new clients you just added to your family? If you made a Thanksgiving faux pas and forgot to send out greetings of gratitude – have no fear! Here are three last-minute ways to say: THANK YOU!    A Typed Note Is Better Than No Note Okay, so we all know that a handwritten note

6 Content Marketing Strategies to Drive Growth

November 15, 2017
It’s on the lips of every marketer in the world. It's challenging. It's effective, and when applied correctly, can drive massive results. Content marketing has been pushed into the spotlight and the light is only growing brighter. A good content marketing strategy can make the difference between growth and stagnation. The trick? Creating content that people want to consume and search engines want to rank. Easy to say. Hard to do. So how do you create content that actually drives



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