Why Email Is Your Greatest Marketing Asset During COVID-19

June 3, 2020
Marketing managers and businesses alike are constantly mining the depths of the digital ecosystem to unearth the “next” groundbreaking strategy that will skyrocket them to the next level. When the competition seems endless, the thirst to stand out and the need to be a step ahead can quickly become unquenchable. Marketing during the COVID-19 pandemic may seem no different – we still need to drive awareness to our brands and shine all the spotlights on what we have to offer.

National Positions Takes Home Three New 2020 Communicator Awards!

June 1, 2020
Today’s exciting news is a wonderful reminder that without the diligent efforts of our incredible team and trust from our exceptional clients, none of our success would be possible. Last year, National Positions received our first three official Communicator Awards, and this year, we did it again. Not only did we win three additional awards for our 2020 achievements, but we did so in three new marketing categories, and we couldn’t be prouder of our team of talented, hardworking individuals.

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How COVID-19 Is Taking a Toll on AI & Machine Learning and What It Means for Businesses

May 27, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic changed what we search for and what we buy online overnight. In 2019 top Google searches included things you’d expect—personal care items, home goods, tech products, apparel, and toys and games. By April of this year top search items included toilet paper, face masks, hand sanitizer, and Lysol spray. We’ve entered a new world—one that will likely define a generation. Just as the pandemic is exposing weaknesses in our supply chains and healthcare systems, it’s also exposing

National Positions – Digital Breakthroughs Podcast Is Back!

May 21, 2020
This week National Positions CEO Bernard May welcomes Chief Digital Officer at VF Corporation, Leo Griffin. VF is one of the world's largest footwear and apparel companies, with over 20 brands under its umbrella, including Vans, The North Face, Timberland, Dickies, and JanSport – just to name a few. This deep dive into the world of fashion marketing in the digital ecosystem took us on a tour of every conceivable angle of the fashion industry, including the impact of COVID-19,

Moving “Forward” Beyond COVID-19

May 12, 2020
This year has been off to a rocky start. No question. The clock struck midnight and we all waved goodbye to 2019 and hello to a new decade, bright-eyed and excited to tackle a brand-new year. Or so we thought. National Positions has seen its way through economic rises and falls before, including the Great Recession of 2008, but 2020 had something new in store that even our seasoned team couldn’t prepare for or see coming: a near-complete economic shutdown.

Free Ads on Google Shopping?! No, You Are Not Dreaming

May 6, 2020
In a world full of questions, there is one entity that has been keeping track of all of them—Google. Everything from “When is lockdown ending?” to “Where can I buy a facemask?” has been on our minds and therefore part of our Google searches, as we make our way through the new normal. But there is also a-rock-and-a-hard place situation that it appears Google is attempting to provide some assistance with. How are brands that have had their revenues impacted



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