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7 Brands That Successfully Adapted Their Advertising for COVID-19

When COVID first hit, many brands were left scrambling to rethink their whole ad messaging strategy. Expedia’s globe-trotting garden gnome was put on house arrest, and the Charmin bears went into early hibernation. Ads featuring vacationers frolicking on white sandy beaches suddenly became irrelevant (if not cruel) amid announcements of lockdowns and mask mandates.

But it hasn’t been all bad news.

The pandemic has given brands the opportunity to show their softer side. And one thing we’ve seen consistently since coronavirus began is themes of unity and resilience. We’ve also seen some gut-busting spots during COVID—proving that laughter really is the best medicine. The challenge for marketers is getting the tone right, as things literally change by the day. 

We scoured the web for some of the best ads that didn’t shy away from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many of them are from the early days of the pandemic when marketers really had to up their game. Here they are.

1. Apple at Work (from Home)

In Apple’s short film, “The whole working from home thing,” the tech giant takes us inside the lives of four intrepid underdogs tasked with creating a clever product on a short deadline (and shrinking budget). From yoga cat lady antics to screaming kids to omnipresent moms, viewers get a hilariously realistic look into working from home—using Apple’s suite of interconnected products, of course.


2. AT&T Funds Distance Learning for Students

The transition to at-home learning has been especially hard on parents who can’t afford internet service—or the fancy laptops students use these days. AT&T gets props for being on the ball from the start. In April, they announced the launch of a $10 million fund to support distance learning tools and resources for parents and teachers. And as D and F grades soar among students with the fewest resources, we need more of this kind of do-gooding, please.


3. Blue Shield of California: “Tough”

Blue Shield of California gave us all the feels with their shout out to frontline workers—the nurses, EMTs, and firemen who put their lives on the line for us every day. The spot reminds us of our inner strength and resilience without dismissing our fear, frustration, and sadness, totally normal feelings during such challenging times.


4. Burger King’s “Stay Home of the Whopper”

In April, Burger King challenged us to become “couch potatriots” with its “Stay Home of the Whopper” ad. “Your country needs you…to stay on your couch and order in,” urged the ad. Burger King incentivized people to use its online app by offering free delivery. And the company donated 250,000 Whopper sandwiches to nurses on the frontlines. We’ve got to hand it to them for giving us a chuckle and cleverly working in a PSA.


5. Coca-Cola: For the Human Race

Get your tissues out for another tearjerker. Coca-Cola created a series of ads hailing the essential workers keeping us going through these trying times. “Unsung Heroes” highlights Donivan, a delivery rider in New York City who shares what it’s like to be a messenger during the pandemic. The company created its “For the Human Race” ads without showing a single bottle of the sweet fizzy stuff—a feat few other brands could pull off.


6. Uber’s “Thank You for Not Riding” Spot

Uber was thrust into crisis overnight with the pandemic. The last place anyone wanted to be in the early days of COVID was stuffed into a small box on wheels with other riders. Not surprisingly, Uber bookings dropped by 75% in the second quarter of 2020, bouncing back somewhat in Q3. Still, the company made the bold choice in early April to create a spot asking riders to avoid using Uber if possible, to protect others. It had to sting a bit for the tech giant, but it was a good choice. It will go down as one of 2020’s most memorable ads.  


7. Hotels.com: Future Captain Obvious

If you could talk to your 2019 self, we’re guessing you’d advise stockpiling toilet paper and hand sanitizer, pronto. Hotels.com plays with this theme in its “Future Captain Obvious” ad spot highlighting the company’s free cancellation option. A perfect play by the popular booking site.

Get Help from the Experts

Brands that keep their message out there tend to fare better during a crisis. When the pandemic hit, most brands responded with PSA-style messages. Now that we’ve settled into the absurdities of life at home, people are ready for some laughs. But consumers can sniff out inauthenticity in a heartbeat. The key is creating content that both connects and is true to your brand.

That’s our specialty at National Positions. Our content marketing specialists will help you create content that resonates with your audience and keeps your business top of mind. Contact us for help developing a COVID-19 digital marketing strategy to help your business thrive.


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